Wednesday, August 19, 2015

All is Right with the World – Faythe and her Daughter

Growing up I always knew I would breastfeed when/if I had children. There was really no question or thought put into it. My mom had breastfed both my brother and I for a full year. She normalized breastfeeding for us. It was the right thing to do...formula wasn't even an option. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't the natural best thing; therefore out of sight out of mind.

There I was; holding my daughter for the first time. I knew that the best thing for baby was to be skin to skin and to offer the breast right away, so I did. No thought was put into it, because after all it’s natural, right? That was the way I always looked at it until I actually offered her my breast and it didn't feel natural at all. My daughter had trouble latching onto my breast. As I continued trying to guide my nipple into her mouth it was obvious that we were both getting frustrated because we both had no clue what to do. We had to learn together.

With the help of a nipple shield, La Leche League, and lots of support from my husband and mother, we managed to pull through and learn together. My daughter fed for hours at a time. She would projectile vomit everywhere, then want to nurse once more. I never denied her or put her on a schedule because I knew she was nursing for more than just nutrition. She was nursing for comfort and security. The newborn days were really trying. I felt like a human pacifier for the first 3 months of my daughter's life. But that time also brought us so close together. We formed a bond like no other. We worked hard to form a nursing relationship. Some would say breastfeeding comes so naturally, but I would have to disagree. Yes it is natural, but I had no clue what I was doing, and neither did she. It was so frustrating, because I wanted so bad to guide my daughter and teach her, but it wasn't until I let go and decided to enjoy the ride that we became in sync. We became a team and we learned the ropes together.

 Without the support of my husband and my mom I don't know if I would have made it this long. I am 2 weeks shy of my 1 year milestone!  Now breastfeeding feels as natural as breathing for both of us! Breastfeeding has proved itself to be so much more than simply nutrition. Breastfeeding provides comfort, peace, love, a quiet place. Breastfeeding has provided me a bond like no other. I am so proud of myself and I have no regrets. I plan on breastfeeding for as long as I can, because these moments don't last forever. My breastfeeding relationship with my daughter has changed a multitude of times, so I have learned to enjoy it while it's happening.  Sometimes it will be hard. Sometimes you will feel like a human pacifier. But then you look down and gaze into your child's eyes as they look up and smile at you. All is right in the world.

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