Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Our Breastfeeding Journey Has Just Begun – Lexi and Isadore

I always knew I was going to breastfeed. My mom nursed me until I was 11 months old, when she was (incorrectly) told to stop because she was pregnant. I would watch her nurse my brother and emulate with my doll (boy, we got some weird looks when my mom and I both lifted our shirts!). While I was pregnant I read as much as I could about pregnancy, child birth, and breastfeeding ultimately falling in love with The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. I refused to buy or register for anything formula or bottle feeding related.  I was putting all my eggs in the breastfeeding basket and was going to work hard though any issues I may experience. 

My daughter was born without the use of any drugs and was super alert as she was placed on my chest. She latched without issue and I relished in the joy of continuing to support her growing life. A few days after we returned home I started experiencing symptoms of mastitis. I had fever, chills, body aches, and hard red lumps in my breast. I pumped and nursed as much as I could from the infected side and was thankfully able to circumvent the use of medication! 

Isadore is four months old and exclusively breastfed. She actually refuses bottles or pacifiers, so she completely relies on me for her nutrition! I love the feeling of nurturing my daughter both physically and emotionally as we nurse. Some days are harder than others, especially during growth spurts. During those times when I just want a day off and silently counting down to my next goal of exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months I remind myself of how much this is going to benefit her! After I reach my next goal, I am going to continue to push myself to nurse for no less than a year, and the ultimate goal being two years. 

We have just begun our breastfeeding journey and welcome what the future has in store. Looking at those little rolls and sweet milky face makes all the trials completely worth it! 

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