Monday, November 23, 2015

Craniosacral Therapy – Jesseca’s Story

I thought all was going well with breastfeeding until my son abruptly stopped nursing
when he was 2 weeks old. We met with a lactation consultant who helped us understand
his issues. His head had been twisted in the birth canal which put pressure on certain
areas of his head, neck, and spine. This restricted the movement of those areas and also
affected his ability to open his mouth wide enough and tilt his head back for a proper latch.

My son needed craniosacral therapy to help his head shape more correctly and in turn
affected his latch ability. He also had a lip and tongue tie that restricted his ability to nurse.
Due to the latch issues my son experienced, I exclusively pumped for the first 3 months
after his birth. This was one of the hardest and most trying times in my life. I had so badly
wanted to nurse him.

We worked long and hard with a therapist and chiropractor to help him understand how to latch
correctly. We also decided to have his lip and tongue tie corrected, which helped immensely. When we first met with the lactation consultant, my milk supply had dwindled because he wasn't able to nurse effectively enough to drain my breasts. I remember thinking, "There's not enough coming out to feed him," and we had to supplement some in the beginning with formula.

However, I was determined to get him back on the breast. I worked around the clock with him, and after 3 months he finally began nursing correctly! I remember many phone calls and text messages to a dear friend who helped me keep going. I also attended a weekly breastfeeding support group that was instrumental in our success.

I think having a support system around you is so important. My husband was so supportive and never once complained about helping with those midnight and early morning feedings so that I could continue pumping to help build my supply. My son loved nursing so much that we just celebrated two and a half years of nursing together! I was sadly ready to be done, but if it was up to him he'd still be nurse if I let him.

I pumped so much in the beginning that I was also able to donate my milk to other moms in need. Donating my milk was such a rewarding experience. I was thrilled to be able to help others. I learned so much about patience and perseverance during our journey, and I hope this helps another mom
who's struggling and wanting to quit. It was all worth it in the end!

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