Monday, January 5, 2015

Emily and Adelaide ~ It Finally Clicked!

Emily is a Doctor of Chiropractic and using her education and training helped her daughter (and herself)! Read her story below to see what other tips she learned in her breastfeeding journey.

Immediately after Adelaide "Addie" was born she latched on and was nursing while I delivered my placenta. 

The first two weeks were extremely stressful with my milk not coming in until almost the third day.  At that point I was extremely sore and trying to figure out a system to make breastfeeding easier for her and more comfortable to me. 

The day after she was born I did what I knew best to do and evaluated and corrected her spine. She only had one minor issue but after that correction she had a better latch and was able to feed more efficiently than she did the first day which gave me a little more time to recover during feedings. :)

Although she was eating better I was so worried about not producing enough so I made lactation cookies, drank mother’s milk tea, took my encapsulated placenta, used mother’s love fenugreek liquid supplement. You name it I probably tried it! (Within reason 😉)

Things were going great after around 2 weeks. I don't know what happened but it just seemed something clicked and our relationship just seemed natural and easy. 

I was given a tip to pump on one side and nurse on the other by a professor of mine. This was the best advice and I was able to freeze a lot of milk! 

I was then able to donate to several Mommas in need which made me feel great and thus I produced even more milk!

We've had our periods of slightly lower production and increased production as well just depending on her needs. It's been absolutely wonderful and I'm so grateful that I've been able to continue our breastfeeding relationship to this day. We're at 13 months and going strong! :)

I love talking with people about breastfeeding.  It's the most natural and beautiful thing next to birth! :)

Note: Please consult with your own doctor or professional practitioner before trying any teas or supplements other than those recommended by your doctor or professional practitioner.

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