Monday, January 5, 2015

Katie and Colton ~ We Beat Each Challenge!

I knew all throughout my pregnancy that I was going to do everything in my power to exclusively breastfeed my son. My daughter was born 3 years prior and I was convinced to use formula after my un-necessary C-section at 36 weeks. She had jaundice and I was told she would progressively get worse unless formula was used. Our breastfeeding relationship went downhill from there.

 I finally had my natural VBAC and welcomed Colton after 41 weeks and 3 days! He latched on so well and nursed within minutes of birth. I thought all was going well but he kept nursing so often. Sometimes as often as every 10 minutes. I knew something wasn't right. I looked in his mouth and found a severe tongue tie. He could barely move his tongue and it was tied to the very tip, making it heart shaped. After much begging, we finally convinced the pediatrician to clip it in the hospital. Things were better but still not right. We went home and continued to nurse basically around the clock. Then we got thrush. After the thrush came a plugged duct. It grew larger than a plum in size and turned into full blown mastitis. I was miserable and finally went to a highly recommended lactation consultant. She was a lifesaver! She diagnosed another tongue tie as well as a lip tie. We were able to have those revised the very next day.

My little man was nearly 4 weeks old by this point. It took us some time to figure out how to properly nurse after his revision. We had to see the lactation consultant a few more times to get everything sorted out. I suffered from low supply because of his ties as well. He wasn't transferring milk efficiently at all, therefore my supply took a major hit. I tried and tried to pump and do everything I possibly could to increase my supply, even prescription medication. My body does not respond to a pump, not even a hospital grade pump. So it has been a struggle, to say the least.  I am happy to say that my son is 8 months old and we made it without supplementing. I couldn't be happier! I plan to breastfeed Colton as long as he wants.  I don't have any plans of weaning him until he is ready. 

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